suttit och ritat lite
Jag hade tråkigt så sökte på "beautiful dress" på Google
Då fann jag denna och bestämde mig för att rita av tjejen på bilden,
Detta blev resultatet.
Sedan fick jag lust att skriva en dikt, det var så otroligt länge sen jag gjorde det så ja
here it comes
She is searching
She tries to find it
Wanting it more than ever
To find her true love
A man with a big and loving heart
Who want to hold her in his arms
Never ever want to let her go
Who tell her she is beautiful
Even when she is not
She want to hear him say her name
She want flowers
She want chocolate
She want a ring
She want commitment
She want someone to love
She do not want to be alone anymore
She has made her decision
She is strong enough to love
She is strong enough to hold a mans heart
Soon she might find him
But who knows where
And who knows who he will be
She just know
She will be happy
And she will get
Her fairytale ending
// Erika Sjögren Landin
så? what do you think?